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Pell, a scientist and inventor who started his career building animatronic dinosaurs for museums, has found that flying paper planes still involves a lot of failure. Most of Pell's planes nose-dived. A few flew loops until crashing. Only a handful stayed aloft longer than a well-made, unpowered paper plane, including the one that glided out of sight. <a href=>louis vuitton bags</a> In keeping with his priority to defer to districts program spending decisions, Brown provided few specifics in his education budget. However, he would earmark funds for smaller class sizes in grades K-3, career-technical education in high schools and a block grant for adult education. He also boosted an allocation for districts adopting new curriculum and tests. More than $1 billion would be available for implementing Common Core State Standards, $100 million for boosting Internet connectivity and infrastructure and $5 million for improving teacher credentialing.
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After Obama鈥檚 touted taxpayer-financed $800 billion 鈥渟timulus,鈥?the economy reacted as if molasses had been injected into its veins. The percentage of Americans in the workforce continued to decline. The number of long-term unemployed not only increased, it was prodded along by unemployment insurance being extended for up to two years. Middle-class wage-earners鈥?real income decreased. More than 46 million Americans are doled out food stamps. This is economic recovery? <a href=></a> Claire Martin: 303-954-1477, cmartin@ or
m Human made rules that have enemies in human beings world for thousands of years----------human made authoritarian systems that crushes it,keep feeding up one man,one party,one God human made laws,political systems power?what you expect anyway? <a href=>coach factory</a> On Dec. 9, a Senate Select Committee issued a report on CIA interrogation methods that focused on the use of enhanced interrogation techniques. The report was clearly flawed. Nevertheless, it brought to the light a policy that all Americans should denounce.According to Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., who served on the committee, the interrogation process failed on five major points. First, the program was conceived by people who had never met a terrorist and was conducted along the lines of untested theories of interrogation.Secondly, the people performing the enhanced interrogation techniques lacked the necessary linguistic skills, interrogation training and real-life experience to know whether the process was working.Thirdly, senior officials failed to provide sufficient oversight for the program, which was fraught with the personal and financial conflicts of those involved.Fourthly, and most disturbingly, the techniques used were brutal. The acronym EIT, despite Dick Cheney s denials, means nothing more or less than torture.Finally, the quality of the intelligence gained from the ruthless treatment of detainees was suspect, and claims that it prevented further attacks or saved Americans lives are doubtful.To someone who grew up watching old war movies in which the Americans acted with honor, regardless of the ruthlessness of their enemies, the report is deeply distressing. As a follower of Jesus, I find it simply appalling.Freezing a man to death, threatening to rape and murder a detainee s children, placing a man in a coffin-sized box for 11 days, and perpetrating other acts of torture in one case on a man later discovered to have been wrongfully accused these are not the kind of things that Americans do. They are certainly not things a Christ-follower can approve.Some people have argued that, while excessive, these methods were necessary to protect innocent lives. But how do we know that? Even the director of the CIA cannot say that these techniques provided life-saving intelligence that could not have been otherwise obtained.And even if it did, are we willing to corrupt our character and stain our national honor to obtain that information? Are we willing to become the kind of people we deplore?Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., himself a victim of torture as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, put it this way: The main reason to oppose its use ... isn t about our enemies; it s about us. It s about who we were, who we are and who we aspire to be. It s about how we represent ourselves to the world. McCain hit the proverbial nail on the head. It s about who we were, a people who stood, at great cost to themselves, against Nazi brutality. It s about who we are, a nation that promises liberty and justice for all. And it s about who we aspire to be.Page 2 of 2 - Ah, but who is it that we aspire to be? On that point, I think, there is confusion and a lack of consensus. We no longer share a common vision, one capable of evoking our aspirations. As the biblical proverb rightly warns, Where there is no vision, the people perish. This lack of an inspiring vision helps explain the bitter partisanship that has crippled our government in recent years. We cannot find common ground on issues of immigration, race and taxes partly because we have no guiding vision of who we want to be. We can t decide on a road because we re not sure where we want to go. There have been calls for a national conversation on these issues, but that conversation keeps turning into a shouting match for just this reason.Before a national conversation about legislative issues can be productive we need to have a conversation about national aspirations. What kind of nation do we want to be? That may be, in our increasingly pluralistic society, a long and difficult conversation. One thing I hope we can all agree on: we do not want to be the kind of people who resort to torture when we re afraid.Shayne Looper is the pastor of Lockwood Community Church in Branch County, Michigan. Read more at v
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