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Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 21.09.2024, 10:50
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The fateful episode had begun 1.6 miles away at Dale鈥檚 home and prosecutor Paul Currer told the court how he narrowly avoided crashing into a minibus full of pupils from a school for children with autism at a junction. - DRIVING to Sussex for a boys鈥?weekend the other day, my mate and I left early in the morning, choosing to have breakfast on the way. So, pulling into a services on the M1, I was looking forward to a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea. But, as is so often the case, I was tempted by the the bigger picture; the shiny coloured one hanging above the self-service counter promising real fulfillment if I were to plump for a cup of tea and a breakfast roll: sausage, bacon, hash browns and a fried egg, all wrapped up in a delicious-looking bread bun.
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